If I had a magic wand, my first act would be to gift this particular insight to every leader struggling for control at the expense of their power. Oh, the suffering we could avoid… The ease we could enjoy… The problems we would solve!
Alas, I have no magic wand, so this will continue to be one of those leadership lessons we can only learn through experience. It’s for the best. Even my benevolent spell would be an attempt at control—mind control, muahahaha—which never works the way you think it will. For instance…
When I make all the decisions, I limit my team’s ability to learn and scale.
If I obsess over all the problems, I can’t craft creative solutions.
When I micromanage the details, I miss the bigger picture.
If I try to make everybody like me, I will make little forward progress.
And, if I tell someone what to think, I’m not helping them think for themselves. They might reject my advice outright… or worse, accept it unquestioningly.
So no magic wand necessary. After all, I do have my scepter, and with it I offer you this wonderfully confounding paradox for your consideration.
What you do with it is entirely up to you.
This Week
I’m keenly aware that you are receiving this installment of The Lead on Cyber Monday, when your inbox is being flooded with emails from all sorts of brands and businesses bargaining for your money, time and attention.
I personally deal with this onslaught by opting-out of ~90% of the email lists I’m on. Every year, as the emails roll in, those that are not relevant and supportive to my work or my wellbeing get a click on that “unsubscribe” link hidden in tiny print at the bottom. I invite you to join me in this little ritual. It’s very cathartic.
Consider this newsletter too. If you don’t find The Lead to be relevant and supportive to your work or your wellbeing, now is a good time to unsubscribe, with my sincere thanks for the precious time and attention you’ve shared with me to date.
On the other hand, if you find value in The Lead, if it helps you explore and embody your own transformational leadership, if you agree that the world needs more leaders like you, I am asking you to share it with your network. Over the months ahead, we will be turning a new corner, focused on building community. You and me, and the friends we invite along. Might I suggest these five people specifically?:
The established leader you’ve learned the most from
The emerging leader you’re mentoring or coaching
The colleague who is leading the charge for change
The friend who is feeling stuck in the status quo
Anyone seeking connection and community in the often lonely work of leading with courage and conviction
Thank you, friend. The best is yet to come. Onward together.