Three considerations for any leader looking to reclaim space in work and in life:
1. Purpose of My Space
Begin by defining your role and the value it is intended to bring. Once you’ve gotten clear and specific about what you’re doing and why, you can make more skillful choices about how you spend your time and energy.
How do I define my role?
What is the unique value I create in this role?
How will I promote this value to others?*
2. Capacity of My Space
Next, set the dimensions of the space you give to your work. Define boundaries, particularly in terms of your time. Make a plan for how you will tell others about them (this can feel scary) and how you will protect them when they are tested (this is crucial).
How much time will you allocate to work each day… week… year?
How uncomfortable does it feel to make this choice for yourself?**
What people, projects and other priorities will benefit from this choice?
3. Content of My Space
With that clarity, you can more easily distinguish between what is your responsibility vs. someone else’s. Then it’s an ongoing practice to refine your to-do list, delegating generously, delaying the non-urgent and deleting the inessential so you have the space to do what is needed.
Why are you saying “yes” to this?
If you said “no,” what would you be able to say “yes” to?
Who stands to learn/grow/thrive from you saying “not mine” or “not now”?***