Last week I offered you the Year-End Reflection worksheet I’m using for my personal look back at what I loved and learned from 2022. But I also know that this work—reflecting, making connections, mining for insight—is vastly more powerful when we do it together, in relationship. (Some of you have told me you’re using the worksheet with your teams… brilliant.)
Of course, this true for any kind of change we’re seeking, personal, professional or planetary. We can go deeper and further when we go together. That’s why my aspirations for 2023 include creating opportunities to connect, learn and lead change in community with one another. Stay tuned for more on that in January!
For now, I’m inviting you to share the highlights of your year-end reflection with me and the other 500 or so folks who read this newsletter. You can do this anonymously by clicking into the 2022 Reflection Board on Miro (no login required) and adding a few post-its of your own.
My year-end reflections are already in there waiting for you:
I’m so eager to hear about what you’re taking away from this year. This week I’m offline for a meditation retreat, but then I’ll come running to the board like a kid to the tree on Christmas morning—and hope to find the gift of your reflections there.