On unity
It's true we get more done when we're united.
But unity needs trust. And trust needs accountability.
We think accountability is punishment, but that's not right.
It is clarity: What will we unify around?
It is vision: What do we intend to get done?
It is alignment: What are reasonable means to that end?
Unity cannot be an end it itself.
Unity toward equality? Yes. Unity toward justice? Yes. Unity toward freedom? Yes.
But are we aligned on these ends? There's the rub. We are not and cannot be united unless our vision includes and serves all of us.
This is why any path to unity needs to start with accountability and trust-building. It's how we re-align. There is no shortcut.
This reflection was clearly inspired by the current political moment in the U.S., but it very much applies to our businesses, our teams, our leadership in work and in life. Let's ask ourselves:
Are we aligned around a shared vision that includes everyone?
How are we holding ourselves and one another accountable?