As an organizational mindfulness teacher and coach, my work is not and never has been about “wellness.”
I’m in the business of transforming business.
Corporate “wellness” programs are too often like putting a (branded) band-aid on a gaping wound.
Our responsibility is to build better systems & help people use them. In that order.
If your approach to helping your people through this moment doesn’t involve making operational changes in response to their core issues & evolving needs, two things are certain:
1) The health of your people will suffer.
2) The health of your business will suffer.
The opportunity of this moment is to get curious and get creative about new ways of working. The hardships we are facing right now are pointing the way.
Will we hastily try to cover them up or will we heed their warning, change course and chart a new path?
The orgs that choose the latter will define what comes next.
Not because they were better at predicting the future, but because they responded more skillfully to the present.