I bet you think it’s easy for me
I bet you think it's easy for me.
Writing these posts. Recording videos. Sharing my personal thoughts, feelings and practices with a global community.
You probably think I do this (this! this thing I'm doing right now!) with total ease and confidence, without a care in the world and without any doubt in myself.
You might think you can't do it. You might think, "Who am I? No one wants to hear from me. My perspective isn't valuable. People don't care."
Here's the truth:
It's not easy for me, and it's probably not easy for most of the people you follow.
That voice is there within all of us. I hear it every time I post anything. I'm a little nervous typing this right now, in fact.
But I'm sharing it anyway because this week someone told me it wasn't easy for them and that's why they don't share what they have to offer—the value of which, in the case of this person, is immense.
This is why we need to share ourselves.
Not because it is easy. It's not.
Not because it feels good. It doesn't, always.
But because others are looking for what we have to offer.
For many, ego isn't what fuels us, it's what holds us back. Sharing yourself is an act of generosity.
Let's get over ourselves so we can give others what they need.