life moves too fast
you can’t slow down
there’s no time to think
working around the clock
not enough hours in the day
it’s not more time you need
(which would fill up just the same)
you cannot create time
you can only manage it
but you can create space
it requires
a conscious choice
(maybe a compromise
maybe a sacrifice)
but you can create space
in as little as a moment
choosing to see instead of know
choosing to ask instead of push
choosing to listen instead of scream
choosing to love instead of fear
you can start
by dropping out
of your timebound mind
of your narratives on repeat
of your urgency and importance
you can start
by dropping in
into the river of your breath
into the galaxy of your body
into the only moment you’ve ever had
this is the only time
there is
this now
this right now
and it offers you
all the space you need