Change in relationship
We change, grow and heal in relationship to one another.
But only if our relationships grow, change and heal us vs. keeping us closed, defensive and righteous.
That doesn’t mean everyone gets to be in relationship with you. Simply that, whatever relationships we are willing to nurture, that’s where the work is.
Many of us are looking at relationships spanning starkly different realities and wondering how to go forward from here. There are no easy answers, but here’s how I’m thinking about it today.
Alongside policy and other structural shifts needed to shape a more just society, our relationships are an essential tool for change. How we use them is up to us:
Do we draw boundaries in relationships that are harmful or hurtful?
Do we seek out people who don’t share our point of view?
Do we listen to and center those who don’t carry our unearned privileges?
Do we practice compassion for those whose suffering looks different from our own?
Do we try to understand?
Do we stand for what we believe in?
We can start wherever is right for us, but let’s not stop there. All of these strategies (and more) comprise the work of conscious, transformational relationship.