Perhaps like you, I was taught
Anything is figure-outable
If you break it down to its parts.
Perhaps like you, I have tried
To draw a line connecting the now
To the future I desire.
Perhaps like you, I’m surprised
Every time my picture-perfect plan
Somehow (always) goes awry.
Perhaps like you, I’ve started
To see certainty as a scam
And I, for one, blame Descartes.
How do you account for things you don’t understand or didn’t foresee? Do you resist them, write them off? Or do you let them expand your understanding?
Is there room in your plan for the unknown and the unknowable?
How might you hold that plan more lightly?
UPDATE: You still have time to register for Agents of Radiant Change. The Boggs cohort will meet at 9am Eastern Time for 90 minutes on Fridays from October 13 to November 17. If you’re ready to change your relationship to change—join us!
As a librarian, I live for the unknown. It's part of my jo, albeit an often unpleasant part.