Article voiceover
Change is not an outcome
But a process, an unfolding—
A force we cannot force.
It is always happening.
And it always starts small.
What change are you rushing right now?
What feels impossible simply because it hasn’t happened yet?
Where is this urgency coming from? Who would you be if you let go of it?
What beautiful, powerful thing could be created in this unfolding?
UPDATE: Agents of Radiant Change registration is now open. The Boggs cohort will meet at 9am Eastern Time for 90 minutes on Fridays from October 13 to November 17. If you’re ready to lead change more effectively—and with greater ease—join us!
yes to this, especially on a Monday morning. love the plant picture because when i catch myself here, it's usually me trying to pull the petals open that i see unfolding slowly. that never goes well. it usually ends up me destroying the flower. patience. breathe ... ESPECIALLY when i'm in a rush and see something manifesting that i've carefully cultivated and am eager to enjoy. breathe. slow down. collaborate.